Mark Passio explains in this presentation that unveils a plethora of esoteric/hidden knowledge. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR CHANGE START HERE
Mark Passio is an expert he was on the inside and he shares with you how these people operate and how to gain your sanity and power back! Please share with everyone!
The truth will piss you off and then it will set you free, if you accept it.
Mark Passio explains what it means to have your head on your shoulders, better than anyone else I’ve found so far.
The people who keep slavery in place are the people who willfully follow orders. There is no justification and no virtue or morals in following orders. Following orders is evil!
If you have your own show or events I challenge you to invite Mark Passio to speak at your event or on your show.
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I really can’t do this for long without your support, It’s worth having a video archive right?